About Me

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I am a child of God first and foremost. I love art, and painting is my new passion. My paintings often reflect emotions, life events, and my faith. It's freeing to express myself through colour and texture as brush meets canvas. Many of these paintings have been inspired by life events, both good and bad - but like Helen Keller said: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." ~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Beginning of a New Story!


So, a lovely group of ladies, myself included of course, have started another creative venture.  We are crossing limits, examining boundaries, and testing our attachment to those old, beloved books which have been collecting dust for far too long.  Time for these old lovelies to be put to good use.  So . . .

First, we start by ripping out pages, attacking the book with scissors, rulers, duct tape, paint, and whatever else our little hearts desire, and, ON FRIDAY WE SWITCH!  Friday will begin the wonderful alterations of these old, dusty, time-worn books and a grand adventure.  An art swap - and only time will tell how beautifully our little group can transform these old literary works into masterpieces!

So, here are some starter photos after preliminary alterations to my book (OK, OK!  I know, it was much to hard to actually attack a real book the first time, I am using an old coil-bound daytimer - but it's got words and pages and pictures and that makes it a book!)

My cover - "Art Exchange 2011"

The theme - "A Place in Time"
The pocket watch, hanging from small metal rings intertwined says then, now, later and has 3 hands- because life and art don't have to make sense. 

This is my first page, a kind of "pre-instruction" panel . . . it encourages my fellow artists to - be creative!  be unique!  make this book beautiful!  stay away from pages marked with sticky notes (those are MINE!) and incorporate any elements of reality, fantasy, the past, the present, or the possible future.  There are no limits.

This is the "real" instruction page, followed by a series of folded papers on the other
side for people to sign their names.

There will be plenty more posts about this book as time progresses and I begin reconstructing the pages of my fellow artists . . . Barely on the road with this one and I can't wait to start the next!

Signing off with a swoosh!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited! Your books looks great, I can't wait to contribute! See you at the swap (:
