About Me

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I am a child of God first and foremost. I love art, and painting is my new passion. My paintings often reflect emotions, life events, and my faith. It's freeing to express myself through colour and texture as brush meets canvas. Many of these paintings have been inspired by life events, both good and bad - but like Helen Keller said: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." ~

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Summer of Altered Books

I mentioned many months ago that a group of artistic and crafty friends were getting together to "improve" some old books.  I am happy to report that the plan worked - mostly... and the love of altering books has stuck!  Our final swap was just last week (or was it two weeks ago? - I cannot be expected to remember, my brain is full!) and I can now post pictures of the books I worked in - that is those books I remembered to photograph before handing off to the next artist in the swap. 

 The following pages are from Dawn's book, entitled "Dinner in Paris."  Now, I love Paris, but artists were instructed to take a journey, to explore the world, and to stop for a snack along the way.  In this book I travelled to Alaska, where I enjoyed a lovely meal of the Baked Alaska (the recipe is the red, pearl lined paper tucked behind the eskimos).

Enjoy the fresh, icy air, some skating and snow carving, or perhaps watch a dog sled race...
Just be ready to move cuz I am yelling "Mush!"

I have no idea why blogger insists on making all of my photos sideways, but alas, I cannot figure out how to change these settings - if anyone knows what I am doing wrong, HELP PLEASE!

I seem to have misplaced the digital files for the other books I have worked in... I will be on a search and return later with updates.


It's been much too long...

It has been much too long since I have updated my blog.  It is an unfortunate situation, but as November approaches, and NaNoWrimo begins, I hope to update my blog daily with art, writing, and life... I am not entirely sure how I got roped into doing NaNoWrimo - but apparently all of the "cool" kids do it, and I want to be "cool"... or something. 

Anyways, NaNoWrimo looks pretty exciting, and it is an excuse to write that book I have been wanting to write about my life... hmmm.... and with a 40 page capstone paper to insert randomly in the middle of my "novel", 40,000 words shouldn't be that hard to accomplish.

Ah, randomness, the story of my life.

I'm the (friend of) the Bride

New art to be shared!

It's not entirely new, just new-ish.  A friend of mine was semi-recently married, and I presented her with this shirt at her bachelorette party... "I'm the Bride - can I get your number?"