About Me

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I am a child of God first and foremost. I love art, and painting is my new passion. My paintings often reflect emotions, life events, and my faith. It's freeing to express myself through colour and texture as brush meets canvas. Many of these paintings have been inspired by life events, both good and bad - but like Helen Keller said: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." ~

Friday, November 4, 2011

Be Still...

So, I haven't been doing as much art lately as I would hope, but I did get a chance to paint a little bit about a week ago.  My new gecko friend is made of wood and lives on my wall, constantly reminding me that sometimes we just need to be still.  Sometimes it's OK to just hang around and stare at the mess of my room.  Sometimes, it's OK to just chill with mismatched skin (or clothes) and enjoy life, because the One who has created us has also commanded us to take the time to "Be still, and KNOW that He is God."  He can do all things, and sometimes I just need to accept that and let God take control.

So anyways, here is my newest art piece, the latest addition to my collection - my Gecko.