About Me

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I am a child of God first and foremost. I love art, and painting is my new passion. My paintings often reflect emotions, life events, and my faith. It's freeing to express myself through colour and texture as brush meets canvas. Many of these paintings have been inspired by life events, both good and bad - but like Helen Keller said: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." ~

Friday, May 18, 2012

I have recently discovered the art of coptic binding, and have taken a liking to it.  A great way to use up recycled papers that would otherwise end up in the trash, and useful too!  It's gotten a bit to the point where I have more journals and notebooks than I could possibly hope to use, but I enjoy the binding process, and it's a great craft to bring with me for something to do when I get bored.  At any given time I have a crochet hook and ball of plarn, or a needle and paper in my purse to do a little crafting on my breaks at work or while I wait for friends...

Here is one of the books I have been working on lately, along with it's new owner....

This one is made out of the cardboard CD covers from a CD I bought recently:

I have also been making books from old records, although I have no pictures of those ones to share as of yet.  My next book making endeavor includes neon coloured floppy disks (anyone even remember what those are?!)

Wow, it has been so long since I have updated this blog... The last post was in January, and it's almost June!  I have been too busy crafting and working to write about all that I have been doing, but finally, I have an update to share with you.

There has been much crafting happening in this last months - I have been melting crayons, crocheting plastic, binding records, and all sorts of other fun things.  I am on a "make trash beautiful" kick, and enjoy searching for new ways to transform old, worn out, or useless items into something beautiful and/or functional.

My most recent art project was a canvas piece inspired by something I found on Pinterest... I have an addiction to that website - it might be time for a Pintervention... But alas, I took an idea someone had posted, and tried it out for myself.  A glue gun, and old canvas I repainted black, and some cheap crayons that I got at the Reuse Center, when combined, make a beautiful work of art!  A masterpiece to inspire me in my future crafting endeavors entitled "Create"

Step One: Glue Crayons to Canvas

Step Two: Add Heat (I used a hairdryer)

Step Three: Beautiful!